Journey through life... one glass of wine at at time.

What does location independence mean to me?

What does location independence mean to me?

Location independence can mean something different for everyone. For some it is simply being able to work from home, for others it means they can explore a new cities every other day, and then there are those who want a bit of both.

For me, it means freedom. Freedom to live in Paris for a few months, visit my family members for an extended vacation, go on a road trip, or simply not be tied down to one single location for a year lease. I may end up staying months on end in one place if I like it enough, but the point is I don’t HAVE to. I can live where I want, travel when I want, immerse myself in the culture of where I am instead of ticking off a list from a guidebook, and have the flexibility to enjoy a relaxing 2 hour lunch while in Barcelona if I want.

My vision can look however I want it to look, because I am the one planning it. Other people might also need to mesh their views of location independence with their partner’s or family’s. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, since solo travel can be lonely (although I’ll have my dog Trevi!). But if you want it to work, I believe you can get it to work.

Have you ever thought about becoming location independence? What would your vision look like?

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