Journey through life... one glass of wine at at time.


The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. – Lao Tzu

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. – Lao Tzu

I had all these plans… but I didn’t follow through. Do you you even feel that way? I let life get in the way of my plans.  Back in January I wrote this post but never actually published it: “ I’m already having trouble keeping […]

New Year’s Resolutions vs. Goals… and how to use them towards the ultimate goal

New Year’s Resolutions vs. Goals… and how to use them towards the ultimate goal

New Year’s Resolutions… How do you feel about them? I’ve never been a big believer in resolutions (probably because I can never seem to keep them up longer than a week!), but I do support writing out goals. What in the world is the difference […]